Purification/Detoxification Program

Dear Patients and Friends,

I have been asked to present an hour long workshop on the Purification/Detoxification program that we have been advocating for the past 2 years. After 38 years in health care, I have never witnessed greater change in people from a single protocol than what I have seen and experienced personally. Who do you know who is in need of a lifestyle change? Who has weight issues, that are predisposing them to pre-diabetes, hypertension, high triglycerides, cholesterol issues as well as inflammatory hormones that are causing most of the joint pains that we all experience. Its NOT your arthritis that is causing most of our pains !!! it is inflammation from horrendous eating patterns that we have developed and continue each and every day. Food, ladies and gentleman has the ability to HEAL and to Harm.

Our bodies are the most precious gifts we have ever been given. Yet, most of us take better care of our "Things" than we do of ourselves. Its time to put ATTENTION ON OUR GOOD 'INTENTIONS"

Please join me as we take a very interesting short journey into the field of practical nutrition and better understand how to make our health care journey a more ENERGIZED,POSITIVE AND LESS BURDENSOME ONE. A future with less drug dependency and with more personal responsibility.

We are very limited in our seating at the office so this is a first come, first serve invitation. This is a community event, there is no charge. I just ask that if you commit, please show and do not cancel, in fairness to others who would like to participate.

If you are looking to jumpstart your new year, there is no better way to fire up your metabolism, cleanse your detoxifying organs and learn the basics of how to keep the human body in its most powerful state, with its greatest immunity working to serve you rather than to deplete you !!! Excited to share this with those who see the value .

Call the office at (201) 666-5300 to reserve a seat!!
Date: Saturday, December 6 at 11:15 am-12:15pm

River Vale Chiropractic Center
674 Westwood Ave
River Vale NJ 07675